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About this product
Improve application efficiency and network performance with innovative and versatile capabilities that optimize high-performance server workloads such as NFV, storage, HPC-AI and hybrid cloud.
Performance for Cloud Applications
Delivers the bandwidth and increased application throughput required for demanding cloud workloads including edge services, web servers, database applications, caching servers, and storage targets.
Optimizations for Communications Workloads
Provides packet classification and sorting optimizations for high-bandwidth network and communications workloads, including mobile core, 5G RAN, and network appliances.
Versatile Port Configurations with EPCT
E810-CQDA1 and -CQDA2 adapters support a wide range of system configurations to meet customer needs and workload requirements. The many port and speed combinations available simplify validation and deployment. Using EPCT, these adapters can be programmed to act as many different physical network adapters, with a maximum throughput of 100Gbps.
All 800 Series products include these technologies | Greater Predictability at Scale
As modern data centers scale, a key challenge is to provide scalable, predictable application-level performance. Application Device Queues (ADQ) technology improves performance scalability and predictability by dedicating queues to key workloads, delivering predictable high performance through dramatically reduced jitter.